Tyler Redmond navigateleft navigateright

September 2023

Tyler Redmond


Tyler Redmond

At the age of 8 Tyler started filmmaking. He is incredibly committed to and passionate about his goals of working in the film industry here and overseas. In the last couple of years, he has achieved considerable success with his films, taking out top awards at the Top of the South Film Festival. Tyler was also the Producer and Cinematographer for a short film that is being shown as part of the NZ International Film Festival around the country this year. In addition to this Tyler volunteers his time to help grow other youth in the region who have similar interests by running workshops. Currently Tyler is devoting all his spare time, energy and funds into producing a powerful coming-of-age drama ‘DIVE’, using mostly local crew, with the hopes of taking it to the world stage. Tyler’s grant will help his vision become a reality.

September 2023 -